The Importance of (VERY) Early Learning

You will be astonished at the ability of this 7-year-old girl to deliver a powerful speech without notes or prompts, to an auditorium full of adults.

Her grasp of the importance of parent to child interaction is frankly jaw-dropping!

I’ll say no more – just enjoy this 7 minute 43 second video and be amazed…

Thrive by Five

Avoidable Distractions

Increasingly, you may be noticing parents with small children sitting in restaurants, on the train, or pretty much anywhere, with the adults heads and thoughts buried in a phone or tablet.

The people who manufacture these gizmos, and the creators of the smart apps they display, know exactly how to make their products addictive.

You might occasionally see a small child in a buggy, staring boggle eyed at flashing images on a tablet’s screen, while its parents are preoccupied elsewhere.

As you will have seen in Molly’s video, ages 1 to 5 are vital years in the development of knowledge, understanding, and the ability to interact meaningfully with others.

Many other vital skills necessary for a child to blossom into a fully developed and successful adult are learned during those first five years.

We are constantly bombarded with enticing distractions. Modern technology is a useful tool that has become highly Addictive. For the preservation and development of our children’s lives (and our own) we all need to learn when and how to break free from our screens…

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