“Frank Wanders Off” A story by Simon Bailey

Frank Sparrow sat on his bed, staring out of the window. He was dreaming about going on a family summer holiday. School was over for a few weeks, and now it was time to have fun.

There would be no homework to do, and his mum and dad wouldn’t be nagging him to get out of bed, and hurry to catch the school bus.

Frank liked school, but he liked holidays even better. He’d just reached 11 years of age, and still felt he wasn’t too old to enjoy the simple pleasures he’d always done, like making giant sandcastles with turrets and moats, then swimming and splashing about in the sea.

There was something unimaginably wonderful about sitting on a sunny beach, with an ice cream cornet melting in the sun and noisily slurping the sun melted drips of deliciousness as they ran down the cornet and onto his hand. That was the best bit, and when it was all gone, running down the beach and jumping in the sea to wash the stickiness all off.

Frank’s thoughts went on to daydreaming about fishing for crabs in sparkling rock pools full of seaweed, limpets and muscles.

There would be kites to fly, cream teas on the pier and boat trips around the bay, and all this was only a few days away.

“Frank!” His mother’s voice echoed up the stairs. “Come on, we need to get you a new travel bag.”

It was true. His old one was falling to bits. The handle had almost broken off and there were holes at the bottom where his things could fall out.

At the sound of his mother’s voice, Frank snapped out of his daydreams and remembered the plan was to visit “Jenks’ Emporium for the Discerning Traveller”. It was a large family owned store and well known for selling almost any kind of bag you could think of.

Frank searched for his trainers. One was missing, but he found it under the bed. He put them on and and scuttled down the stairs. Mrs Sparrow was waiting by the front door. “Why do you always take ages to get moving?” She scolded him with a frown on her face.

“Could only find one shoe”. Frank mumbled as his mother shut the door behind them and they walked off up the street.

Mrs Sparrow was a very neat and tidy person. She liked everything to be done properly and as quickly as possible.

This was all very well, but Frank preferred to take his time. He didn’t like to be hurried, and he didn’t like to be pushed. He tried to keep up with his mother as she sped along the pavement towards the high street.

They soon arrived at Jenk’s Emporium for the Discerning Traveller. Mrs Sparrow pushed open the door that creaked loudly, as if it was crying out for a drop of oil on its hinges, and a tinkling bell somewhere at the back of the shop announced their arrival.


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